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총 17개 의 호텔정보가 등록되어 있습니다.


Le Metropole Alexandria 르 메트로폴 알렉산드리아 ★★★★
Situated in an 18th century building with classical decorations and stunning views of the Mediterranean, Le Metropole boasts 2 French restaurants and elegantly furnished rooms with a balcony.

Le Metropole’s rooms are decorated with luxurious fabrics and include free Wi-Fi, air conditioning, satellite TV and daily newspapers. Each room has a modern bathroom.

An extensive breakfast buffet is served daily in the breakfast room. For dinner, Les Ambassadeurs Restaurant serves French, seasonal cuisine. The Versailles restaurant also serves French meals, but in a Louis XIV-style setting with daily piano music.

The 24-hour front desk at Le Metropole can arrange car rentals, dry cleaning services and recommend attractions and restaurants in the surroundings.

The hotel is situated a 2-minute walk from the El Raml Train Station and the sandy beaches. The library of Alexandria is 1.5 km away. The property is located 1 km from Constantine Cavafy museum, 2 km from the Opera, 2 km from Qaitbait Citadel and 1.5 km from the Diving Centre.
호텔 상세정보 | 주소, 누리집, 전화번호, 객실시설, 부대시설 등 부가정보
Address 52 Saad Zaglol، Street, Raml Station، Al Mesallah Sharq
Homepage http://www.paradiseinnegypt.com/Metropole/index.html
Tel +20 3 4861465
  • 알렉산드리아
  • 알렉산드리아
  • 알렉산드리아
  • 알렉산드리아

※ 위 사진은 호텔의 이해를 돕기 위한 것으로 룸타입에 따라 실제 투숙하시는 방과는 다소 차이가 있을 수 있습니다.

호텔 위치정보 | 찾아오시는 길
Location and Access 알렉산드리아 기차역에서 도보 17분소요
카카오 채널 상담 카카오톡 상담

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09:00 ~ 18:00
09:00 ~ 14:00

■ 일/공휴일 휴무

■ 코로나19로 인해 토요업무는 잠정 중단됩니다.


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